• Cement Leaf

    The leaf used for this piece was from a gunnera (aka “dinosaur food”), a plant which seems like it would be more at home in an Amazon rain forest than in the Pacific Northwest. Turned upside down over a sand pile, my husband and I heaped cement over it, and let it cure over several …

  • Cedar Box Wood Shed

    My husband built a “temporary” wood shed, but the bare end of the structure just cried out for art. I copied a cedar box end from a book called (Learn By Doing). So it’s not original, and I am not a native NW artist, but I am strongly drawn to the NW native art forms. …

  • Fire Frog

    When my husband and I got married, we had a pair of frogs on our wedding cake. Long story. But frogs have become the “totem” of our marriage and our property (if you don’t count cats). When defining my style in pottery, I discovered a way to incorporate frogs in my work, on plates, mugs, …

  • Raven Mural

    My brother is a NW transplant living in Minnesota. He and his wife asked me to design a piece of art to hang on their blank living room wall. The logistics of carting something so huge half-way across the country, however, prompted me to think outside the box. Or perhaps inside the box. Instead of …